Expo Stars of the Month – March 2014

Posted 01/04/2014
Expo Stars of the Month – March 2014

We are pleased to award the Expo Stars of the Month title for March 2014 to our team in Atlanta!

Michelle, leade_generators_atlantaHope and Jennifer have been working as Lead Generators at Microsoft Convergence 2014.

The event is a flagship tradeshow and conference on Microsoft Dynamics solutions, offering attendees and exhibitors the possibility to network, connect, showcase and share Microsoft’s spotlights on key Dynamics releases.

Our team succeeded in driving traffic at the booth, engaging a significant number of visitors and qualifying prospects for our client. They have demonstrated their sales and lead generation experience in a highly demanding B2B networking environment. The end result exceeded the clients expectations and they rightly deserve the Expo Stars of the Month title for March 2014!

Congratulations Michelle, Hope and Jennifer!

Client’s feedback:

Your people were a key component of our success here.  As I told them, I expected them to drive additional booth traffic and they of course delivered.  However, I did not anticipate how well they would be able to qualify prospects.  Convergence is challenging, because only one in ten attendees is a prospect for us.  Also, there are different kinds of attendees, end-customers, prospective reseller partners, and Microsoft employees all of whom have different interests and drivers.  The ladies very quickly learned what to say to each group to see if there was a fit and get them to engage with us.  As a result, our sales folks were able to invest their time with qualified prospects and develop real opportunities. Microsoft Convergence, Atlanta 2014

To book your Lead Generators for your next tradeshow in Atlanta, please click  here

Posted 01/04/2014