Living the Brand at Infosec 2013

Posted 14/02/2013
Living the Brand at Infosec 2013

live marketing

Living the Brand at INFOSEC 2013 means increasing your reputation and transforming the way you communicate with prospects through face-to-face engagement at live marketing events including tradeshows, exhibitions and expos.

The information security market requires branding the company, and not just the product. Delivering a memorable brand experience is particularly important in this B2B market, where customers buy companies first, products second.

Here are 5 tips to help you set your brand marketing objectives as an INFOSEC exhibitor at live marketing events:

  • Make effective use of your booth presence by having trained and specialized staff at your booth, to engage and qualify visitors
  • Create brand personality by relying on professional crowd gatherers, presenters and product demonstrators
  • Work with partners: strategic branding at trade shows is also about working with high quality agencies, which can provide live marketing services in line with your trade show objectives.
  • Determine visitors to remember your company by having a proactive and positive face-to-face approach
  • Think your INFOSEC experience in line with increasing your company’s Return on Investment

How can Expostars help you to promote your brand at Infosec.

  • Winning Lead Generation Strategies to engage people to your stand.
  • Pro-active Promotional and Sales Staff to help you attract and qualify visitors
  • Live Presenters to help you with live demonstrations.
  • Multilingual staff to attract international clientele.


Expo Stars International is a global provider of face-to-face marketing services for exhibitions, trade shows and live marketing events.



Posted 14/02/2013